I am very excited for the past 2 days !
Its because, I visited Harvard Business School and I sat in a class session !! It was an awesome experience.
Well, its an amazing campus and the class room atmosphere is so really wonderful, esp the diversity. Wow !
I spent sometime going around the various buildings. The Baker library was awesome too. I read some journals published by HBS press. The alumni journal was soo very good. The library seems to have journals from almost every country in the world where the word 'Management' is understood. I also went through IIM-A alumni journal. I liked the format of both Alumni journals and I was thinking about such a journal for my alma mater too.
I had a chat with the students about their admission process etc. Interestingly, they said it was luck factor that brought them to HBS :) Unfortunately the class was not the world-famous case discussion.I'd got an appointment for an earlier class in both HBS and Sloan, which would have had a case session but then I had an unscheduled meeting with our Director on the very same day which prevented myHBS and Sloan visit :( . And my next appointment at HBS was at the fag end of the term and it was a review class of "Leadership and Orgtnl Behvr " class. It would have been wonderful to see the students hashing out perspectives and orchestrated by the prof during case discussion. Maybe next time.
Another interesting point was, I was introduced to the class at the beginning and they had misread my institute's name as IIT, instead of IIIT-B. There was another visitor along with me, who went to IIT and MIT .The moment the class heard 'IIT", they started to cheer as if to some war heroes !! We, the alumni of IIITB, have this responsibility to evoke a similar brand awareness worldwide and augment Prof.Sadagopan's ceaseless effort to this end :) I pray that we achieve it soon.
It was overall a very inspiring experience. Just that I'd missed the Sloan school's appointment and I never got one in this term.
I gave a wild thought to applying but then the thought of the fee gave me a jolt and woke me up :) [ $45000 per annum !! ]
I desired to put up a proper post with pictures et al. But cudnt get time to arrange . But since this was long pending, thought of closing pending stuff, before entering 2009 !